Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jones the Grocer

Living in Sydney, if a friend asked for a catch up, the question was never 'What do you want to do?', but 'Where do you want to have brunch?' In my student days, hanging out in gluten free havens of Glebe and Newtown, I would be able to visit a different cafe every weekend day for a year (and if it wasn't for the Molly Coddle Cafe in Stanmore I probably would have), and still not run out of new gluten free possibilities. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that when a fellow Sydney girl took me to a real 'Sydney style' brunch place in Singapore, I nearly died of delight.
Take the rustic charm and scrumptious menu of an out of the way cafe in Glebe, add a real cheese fridge, a deli, a wall of the finest wine and a huge range of beutiful olive oils, spices, specialty biscuits, nogaut, cakes and other goodies, and you will be starting to understand Jones the Grocer. I wasn't surprised to find out upon later research that Jones the Grocer started in Sydney. From there it has expanded to Melbourne, Singapore and Dubai. The key differnce between the dives of Glebe and Newtown and Jones the Grocer is the price, but for those who are far from home, the luxury is worth it once in a while. Jones the Grocer in the Mandarin Gallery on Orchard is likely to be busier on a weekend than its out of the way but out of the bussle sister store at Dempsey Hill, however, if you are there with just two or three people it is still likely to be les than a five minute wait. No gluten free options are listed explicitly on the menu, but like a team of health gurus in a city where no one seems to know or care what goes into their food, the staff at Jones the Grocer were attentive to my description of what it would mean to make a gluten free meal, and we managed to throw together a version of the Country Breakfast that was safe.
Country Breakfast at Jones the Grocer
Mandarin Gallery, Orchard Road, Singapore

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